Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The ugly truth about Promotional modelling

1. You need big breasts.
Reality is, even the most well endowed models are wearing enhancements such as chicken cutlet bras and padding. However, an enormous chest is not a requirement in this industry. An exceptional personality will actually open doors for you that your physical attributes never could.

2. You must be a tall barbie.
You do not have to be 5 foot 10. There are many promotional models that are 5’5” for example. If you grew up and still love to play dress up then grab your fake eye lashes, clip in hair extensions and chicken cutlets because there is definitely a demand for you as some brands need ladies who aren’t afraid of strutting their stuff and exuding strong feminine energy to represent them. If you hate being girly, there are many promotional opportunities for you too with brands and companies that identify with your look and what you are about. 
3. You will go to many exclusive events.
Yes, there are opportunities to go to exclusive events, but for the most part you will be working at events or venues that are open to the public because that is how most companies market in order to get the most out of their money. You may find yourself working at an exclusive award gala one night and the CTICC the next afternoon.
4. Promotional models are easy, uneducated and ditsy.
Most promotional models have a minimum of a Bachelors degree or equivallent. This type of work is great for students, actors and entertainers because the individual contractor/ model is responsible for choosing when they wish to  work. Being an independent contractor allows an individual to learn what it takes to be business savvy and make long term goals to branch out into different areas of the business or entertainment world if they so choose.
5. Promotional modeling is easy work.
You will not be solving any complex equations, but the highest paying promotional modeling positions often require models to go to detailed training sessions where they will memorize an enormous amount of material in order to adequately inform consumers and answer all of their questions. In addition, if you book yourself for a high paying three day gig which is 8-14 hours each day, you may not be able to do much for the rest of the week so that your feet can recover from stiletto abuse!
6. Promotional models must be unrealistically proportioned.
This industry loves to hire curvy girls, as well as skinny supermodel types, macho guys and not so macho guys!
There is even opportunity for men of the buff and scrawny persuasion. How you look definitely has a lot to do with which companies will open its doors to you, but the good news is that different companies are looking for different things. Some industries require people who are relatable and let’s face it, not everyone can relate to someone who is five foot eleven, 110 lbs, super tan, with blue eyes, blond hair, a four pack and double D’s.
7. Promotional modeling alone cannot pay the bills.
This may be true in some areas of promotions, however this industry is  a great way to supplement your income, or for extra pocket money.  A few promotional models work with many agencies and are promotional models full-time. To do this you need to be realistic about how you look and who could use that image as part of their marketing strategy. You also need to be organized, and prepared. Promotional models must learn to exercise discretion when it comes to choosing jobs. Still, there will be times when you have booked yourself for a job and had to miss out on a better, or higher paying, opportunity that came later.
8Promotional modeling requires zero skills. 

At Social Butterflies we say " BEAUTY...BRAINS... BRAND-AWAWRENESS!".  Any job that involves interaction with customers, or potential customers, requires excellent communication skills. Promotional models should also remember to use these excellent communication skills with each other and be kind to one another. This is usually the case anyway, but it is especially important for networking purposes. The best employment opportunities that you find may be from networking with customers, clients and among other models. In addition, having the high energy and physical appearance necessary to keep management happy can be obtained by staying active outside of work. 
9. You must wear skimpy clothing, and troll bars!
Exclusive events, Trade shows, Launches, Golf Days, Clubs and pubs are all places a promotional model may work. The attire you are expected to wear depends on the type of job and your employer. The dress requirements for some jobs may be a t-shirt bearing a brand name and khaki pants, others a cocktail dress or it may be a bikini top, shorts and wedges. Each promotional model should set boundaries  regarding the types of work they are willing to do and the types of clothes they are willing to wear. Here at Social Butterflies our promotional models only wear outfits that enable them to work confidently, efficiently and with dignity! Every client we work with  must agree to that.  Promotional models must decide the amount of hours they are willing to work for and the minimum pay they are willing to accept.  So many promoters are exploited into working for very little, for a very long time. Ask around, find out what the market rate is. Remember it is always up to you to choose which jobs you will work!

10. You keep lots of Free stuff.
This is often true. There will be plenty of opportunities to get free drinks, meals, memorabilia and admission to events. Models should keep in mind that part of being professional is not having a sense of entitlement. You may be working for a company that limits its promotional product distribution to customers only.  If caught sneaking friends into exclusive events, stuffing client goody bags in your car, this could mean losing out on jobs in the future. If you want it that badly, just ask for it!


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